Saturday, 13 October 2012

some links to (nordic) konkretistisk poesi

words and wordings can be many things… you got some intro to (some) of  perec and queneau's works; here are some more inspirations, this time from nordic konkretistisk poesi.

first link to 3 recent nordic ones, with fine interactions… (curtesy afsnitp, a great site for words and images) then you might try the fabulous site on swedish konkretpoesi here.- if that takes to long to enter (sweep, woosh and click until the colors change) here are links to pieces by fahlström, reutersward, helden and hallberg to enjoy.

Friday, 12 October 2012

some hints about (condition) classifications (naming)

there are many (architectural) conditions in nordnes. some simple, some more complicated, some straight forward, some more ambiguous. while mapping and collecting data, try to classify, and at some stage (when you have enough info/material) name the conditions. specify after your own rules and typologies, so that it becomes your maps, your definitions of situations.
there is (so much) more to architectural conditions than assessing where private /semi-private/public is located or where wind/sun/rain conditions prevail.

discover & make visible yet unamed territories within nordnes. map, charter and name with queneau-like gusto. invent definitions.

the above (dry) "correlation chart" is from steven holl's pamphlet " edge of a city", from a project for milano.

on repetition(s) [knee play 1] & [sequential]

repetition(s) will be a recurring theme and modus operandi during this semester. we had promissed you to release some links for appropriate music /soundings while you work.

here is the first link: to composer philip glass, with an image from his first opera (in collaboration with robert wilson). click the link here to listen to some longer parts (lower right of page > listen,  selected music). start with "knee play 1" to get in sinc. should you want to mix your own glass, clik here for the glassengine.

here is a second link with more contemporary stuff: try listen to tristan perich's "sequential" suite or try the 1-bit compositions. (he dabbles with drawing machines too) 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

some guide-lines for the model(s)

- build-up models with either cardboard or lightweight rigid foam boards one layer at a time
(figure out the height on the map should be either 1 or 0,5 m per line)

- make sure to have precise and straight edges on the edge sides. - water will not be represented. on the sides with water, the model's sides will either slope down or become piers (ca 2 m).

- streets will only be represented as topography. no trees or other fixtures to be present on model.

- cover all model(s) surfaces with short strips of the brown paper provided, make random patterns to achieve proper random patterns.

- houses to be manufactured with rigid foam, plastered( plolyfilla, ie) sandpapered and painted the same  white color for all models.

- not all houses have to be manufactured. start with those that (appear to) form the almeningen's sides.

- do not stamp, draw, or apply any other paint on the models.
  NO trees, cars,small people ! just the paper strips surface topography and the houses in white.
  NOTHING else !

start model when you have enough information(s). (see previous blog post)

use today and friday morning for further investigations and data gathering on the various architectural conditions on the almeningerne. while manufacturing model, do not specialize in "effective" work-teams to do the job. share the work, so that all in the group contribute equally !!

some things to manufacture

thank you for the fine work(s) starting up the assignment. eli, cristian and thomas were impressed.(some pics from the work(s) and the newly furnished studio space(s) on dropbox here.

keep up the workflow, yet keep it sharp and ambiguous: do not dwell on the production of romantic images that depict, but manufacture representations that assess the site architecturally; get out what you can from the digital sources. (consider them as data, not images to be re-drawn)

that implies that some work should be done in manufacturing material, conveying the following: precise plan(s), section(s) and elevation(s) of all sides of the almeningener  can be done as either free hand drawing(s), on scale with straight edge/ rulers, cut-out photo collages, etc., (on scale 1:500 and evt. 1:200),  along with the more subjective work(s).

what do they mean by "stealing" ?

"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different"

"Much has been said about the secrets of creativity and where good ideas come from, but most of that wisdom can be lost on young minds just dipping their toes in the vast and tumultuous ocean of self-initiated creation."

in artist austin kleon's fine recent book about creativity stratagems in the digital age, some fine truisms can be discovered :-)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

cartography links

as a treat from the caixa cartography exhibition, here is a list of interesting links on alternative mappings / cartography sites. the above illustration is a represents a more classical view-point, that nevertheless was revolutionary at the time of its appearance.
who manufactured this map? what does the map depict? when was it made? what was so special about it, anyway? write answer(s) on A4 paper, fold and put in box. best and most correct angers wins a (small) prize on next wednesday.

visual structure integration

complete, if nessesary the  visual structure 1:1 structures and then take a vertical (down) picture from each, print it A4, paste on common wall (portrait). 

Sunday, 7 October 2012

nordnes urban utopias / studio clearing

here is the dropbox link to the nordnes urban utopias exercise, that will be introduced tomorrow in the afternoon. please come early anyway as the morning should be used for clearing up your studio space, remove the 2.year portfolios, and get a decent working space for all. (keep it simple, clean and neat)

post barcelona stuff

welcome back! (from the sun to the cold and rainy). in a moment the overveiw for the semester task will be posted. in the mean time please remember to bring all your sketchbooks tomorow to BAS (the analytical drawings, black book). cristian will collect them.

the barcelona abduction exercise is extended into a part 2: same procedures aslast time (this time it is about extracting a plaza or other urban space (not a building!) repeat 3 times, add text. 
NB: the new abductions should be places you FORGOT to visit (or never actually knew they existed ;-)