Monday, 5 November 2012

once more: barcelona urban abductions /nordnes individual

after your successful week with andrea exploring other ways of entering nordnes, and while you focus on 1:1 exercises with eva, some supplementing homework is given.

A -  barcelona urban abductions exercise
B - nordnes architectural [urban] setting [S]

please abduct 3 different urban situations from barcelona according to the following criteria: 
- you should NOT have been there before
- it should be an urban situation (plaza, etc. - not a building)

modus operandi:

same as last time - check with cristian for guidelines
max 100 word description, gps location, name, name of place

please extract/choose one (small) nordnes location to be described as follows:

- plan (1:500 or 1:200)
- axonometric (one or two)
- photo (max two)
- description max 100 words

all on separate A4 page vertical.

most of you already have chosen architectural location(s) with fine potential(s) for further architectural developments. (developments is not building or inserting something; location will be used for architectural investigative research) you might keep the one you have, or find a new one. it might be the one you are using for the 1:1 exercise, or it might be a new one.

the location should be in nordnes (regardless of group model location) and should be chosen with a keen eye (and heart ;-) for architectural qualities.

dead-line: medio november 

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